Labiaplasty: What Is It?

Labiaplasty, renowned as a type of vaginal rejuvenation surgery, is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at altering the labia minora and the labia majora, which are the folds of skin surrounding the human vulva. The procedure becomes a need when these tissues are excessively large or asymmetric inducing discomfort or dissatisfaction.

This operation rose to prominence in the late 20th century, hoisting the flag of one of the fastest-growing types of cosmetic surgery. Women elect to have this procedure done for multiple motives, such as reducing pain or discomfort during physical activities like sex or exercise, improving appearance, or boosting self-esteem.

The Procedure

The procedure of labiaplasty typically lasts about one to two hours, under general, spinal, or local anesthesia. The excess tissue is clipped off with a scalpel or possibly a laser, and the loose edge may be sewn up with dissolvable stitches. It’s crucial to select a qualified plastic surgeon adept in performing labiaplasty to ensure that both the function and appearance of the labia are preserved.

Risks and Recovery

Like any surgical procedure, labiaplasty too comes bundled with possible risks and complications. These might include bleeding, infection, scarring, asymmetry, and reduced sensitivity. However, when conducted by an experienced and competent surgeon, these risks can be significantly minimized.

The recovery post-labiaplasty often takes about one week, with most women returning to work after several days. Physical activities, particularly those that apply pressure to the vulva, and sexual intercourse are usually discouraged for about four to six weeks.

Comparable to Penis Enlargement Surgery

Labiaplasty can be compared to another popular cosmetic procedure – penis enlargement surgery, both aiming to enhance one’s sexual organs aesthetically or functionally. Interestingly, penis enlargement surgeon and a labiaplasty surgeon often deal with the same set of emotional and psychological factors with their patients as the motivation to undertake such surgeries usually stems from personal insecurities or dissatisfaction with one’s body.


Just as a penis enlargement surgeon can alter the size and shape of the penis, labiaplasty can help to reduce the size of enlarged labia, relieving physical discomfort, and boosting self-confidence. Both procedures are serious surgeries and should not be taken lightly. They should ideally be considered only after careful deliberation and consultation with a healthcare professional. In the end, the decision to undergo such a procedure should be primarily about one’s personal comfort and satisfaction, rather than conforming to society’s often skewed standards of beauty and perfection.